Dr. Felix makes frequent appearances in the media either through interviews, his community engagement efforts, or his writing. Recent Media Appeacences Mental Health in the Black CommunityA conversation with Dr. Gabriel Felix, Vanessa Doleyres-Nazaire, and Aimee Ricciardone. While the experience of being Black in America varies tremendously, there are shared cultural factors that play a role in helping define mental health and supporting well-being, resiliency and healing. However, another part of this shared experience is facing racism, discrimination and inequity that can significantly affect a person’s mental health as well as access to care and treatment. But there is hope and there are options. Listen here! Dr. Gabriel Felix comments on the lack of residency slots for medical school graduates on Marketplace. Read and listen to it here! Dr. Gabriel Felix and Dr. Andrew Austin, both 2nd year psychiatry residents at the Harvard Cambridge Health Alliance Program spoke about their thoughts and experiences as Black men in psychiatry. Re-watch the segment here! Dr. Gabriel Felix talks on the WUNC 91.5 North Carolina Public Radio show called “Tested” on their episode called Unmasking Racism. Listen here. Dr Gabriel Felix speaks on The Well with Reverend Alisa Lasater-Wailoo for their episode entitled: Hope Forward! (Self Care 2020) . Listen to the restream here! SE03E08- Dr Gabriel Felix, Black Mental Health and Coronavirus. Listen here. Tradeoffs Podcast Season 1 Episode 38: Masking Problems. Interview of Dr. Felix regarding racial profiling in masks during COVID-19. Listen here. STAT news: Wearing a face mask helps protect me against Covid-19, but not against racism. Op-ed by Gabriel Felix. Read here. Too few black men become doctors. A medical student conference in Philly seeks to change that. Read here Healthcare Suffers When Medical School Graduates Don’t MatchCommentary by Gabriel Felix. Read here. After decades of effort, African-American enrollment in medical school still lagsCommentary by Gabriel Felix. Read here Dr. Felix speaks on the podcast Vital Discussions about being a Black man in medicine and advocacy. Listen to Episode 7 - #BlackintheIvory and Advocacy here.